Join Operators

The Transact-SQL™ outer join operators *= and =* are supported in Sybase IQ, in addition to the ISO/ANSI SQL join syntax using a table expression in the FROM clause.


  • Modulo—The default value is OFF for new databases.

  • String concatenation—When you are using the + concatenation operator in Sybase IQ, ensure the operands are explicitly set to strings rather than relying on implicit data conversion. For example, the following query returns the integer value 579:

    SELECT 123 + 456 

    whereas the following query returns the character string 123456:

    SELECT '123' + '456' 

    You can use the CAST or CONVERT function to explicitly convert data types.

    Note: When used with BINARY or VARBINARY data types, the + operator is concatenation, not addition.

    The || concatenation operator is not supported by Adaptive Server Enterprise.