SYSDBSPACE system view

Each row in the SYSDBSPACE system view describes a dbspace file. The underlying system table for this view is ISYSDBSPACE.

Column name Data type Description
dbspace_id SMALLINT Unique number identifying the dbspace. The system dbspace contains all system objects and has a dbspace_id of 0.

The file name for the dbspace. For the system dbspace, the value is the name of the database file when the database was created and is for informational purposes only; it cannot be changed. For other dbspaces, the file name can be changed using the following statement:

ALTER DBSPACE dbspace RENAME 'new-filename';
dbspace_name CHAR(128) A unique name for the dbspace. It is used in the CREATE TABLE command.
store_type TINYINT For internal use only.

Constraints on underlying system table

PRIMARY KEY (dbspace_id)
FOREIGN KEY (object_id) references SYS.ISYSOBJECT (object_id) MATCH UNIQUE FULL