Each row in the SYSCATALOG view describes a system table.
The tables and columns that make up this view are provided in the SQL statement below. To learn more about a particular table or column, use the links provided beneath the view definition.
ALTER VIEW "SYS"."SYSCATALOG"( creator, tname,dbspacename,tabletype,ncols,primary_key,"check", remarks ) as select u.user_name,tab.table_name,dbs.dbspace_name, if tab.table_type_str = 'BASE' then 'TABLE' else tab.table_type_str endif, (select count() from SYS.ISYSTABCOL where ISYSTABCOL.table_id = tab.table_id), if ix.index_id is null then 'N' else 'Y' endif, null, rmk.remarks from SYS.SYSTAB as tab join SYS.ISYSDBSPACE as dbs on(tab.dbspace_id = dbs.dbspace_id) join SYS.ISYSUSER as u on u.user_id = tab.creator left outer join SYS.ISYSIDX as ix on(tab.table_id = ix.table_id and ix.index_id = 0) left outer join SYS.ISYSREMARK as rmk on(tab.object_id = rmk.object_id)