ROW_NUMBER function [Analytical]


A ranking function that returns a unique row number for each row in a window partition, restarting the row numbering at the start of every window partition. If no window partitions exist, the function numbers the rows in the result set from 1 to the cardinality of the table.


ROW_NUMBER() OVER ([PARTITION BY window partition] ORDER BY window ordering)


window partition (Optional) One or more value expressions separated by commas indicating how you want to divide the set of result rows.

window ordering Defines the expressions for sorting rows within window partitions, if specified, or within the result set if you did not specify a window partition.


The ROW_NUMBER function requires an OVER (ORDER_BY) window specification. The window partitioning clause in the OVER (ORDER_BY) clause is optional. The OVER (ORDER_BY) clause must not contain a window frame ROWS/RANGE specification.


The following example returns salary data from the Employees table, partitions the result set by department ID, and orders the data according to employee start date. The ROW_NUMBER function assigns each row a row number, and restarts the row numbering for each window partition:

SELECT DepartmentID dID, StartDate, Salary, ROW_NUMBER()OVER(PARTITION BY dID ORDER BY StartDate) FROM  Employees ORDER BY 1,2;

The returned result set is:

dID        StartDate    Salary      Row_number()
=========  ===========  ==========  =============
100         1986-10-14  42,998.000     1
100         1987-07-23  39,875.500     2
100         1988-03-23  37,400.000     3
100         1989-04-20  42,500.000     4
100         1990-01-15  42,100.000     5
200         1985-02-03  38,500.000     1
200         1987-02-19  39,300.000     2
200         1988-11-22  39,800.000     3
200         1989-06-01  34,892.000     4
200         1990-05-13  33,890.000     5
200         1990-07-11  37,803.000     6

Standards and compatibility

See also