$SYBASE_JRE6_32, $SYBASE_JRE6_64, $SYBASE_JRE5_64 environment variables


SYBASE_JRE= "${SYBASE}/shared/jre-6_0"


This variable specifies the location of the Java Runtime Environment used by the Sybase Central plug-in for Sybase IQ. For Windows and UNIX, the environment variable is $SYBASE_JRE6_32 or $SYBASE_JRE6_64. For AIX/LinuxIBM the variable is $SYBASE_JRE5_64.

On UNIX, run the SYBASE.csh (C shell) or SYBASE.sh (Bourne or Korn shell) environment source file find and locate the correct JRE. JAVA_HOME takes precedence. On Windows, the installation program sets the variable when it installs Open Client Software Developer’s Kit.