RANK function [Analytical]


Ranks items in a group.


RANK () OVER ( [ PARTITION BY ] ORDER BY  expressionASC | DESC ] )


expression A sort specification that can be any valid expression involving a column reference, aggregates, or expressions invoking these items.


The following statement illustrates the use of the RANK function:

SELECT Surname, Sex, Salary, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY Sex 
WHERE State IN ('CA', 'AZ') AND DepartmentID IN (200, 300)
ORDER BY Sex, Salary DESC;

The results from the above query:

Surname           Sex      Salary     RANK
-------           ---      ------     ----
Savarino           F        72300.000  1
Jordan             F        51432.000  2
Clark              F        45000.000  3
Coleman            M        42300.000  1
Overbey            M        39300.000  2


RANK is a rank analytical function. The rank of row R is defined as the number of rows that precede R and are not peers of R. If two or more rows are not distinct within the groups specified in the OVER clause or distinct over the entire result set, then there are one or more gaps in the sequential rank numbering. The difference between RANK and DENSE_RANK is that DENSE_RANK leaves no gap in the ranking sequence when there is a tie. RANK leaves a gap when there is a tie.

RANK requires an OVER (ORDER BY) clause. The ORDER BY clause specifies the parameter on which ranking is performed and the order in which the rows are sorted in each group. This ORDER BY clause is used only within the OVER clause and is not an ORDER BY for the SELECT. No aggregation functions in the rank query are allowed to specify DISTINCT.

The PARTITION BY window partitioning clause in the OVER (ORDER BY) clause is optional. See “Window partitioning,”in Chapter 2, “Using OLAP” in System Administration Guide: Volume 2.

The ASC or DESC parameter specifies the ordering sequence ascending or descending. Ascending order is the default.

The OVER clause indicates that the function operates on a query result set. The result set is the rows that are returned after the FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING clauses have all been evaluated. The OVER clause defines the data set of the rows to include in the computation of the rank analytical function.

RANK is allowed only in the select list of a SELECT or INSERT statement or in the ORDER BY clause of the SELECT statement. RANK can be in a view or a union. The RANK function cannot be used in a subquery, a HAVING clause, or in the select list of an UPDATE or DELETE statement. Only one rank analytical function is allowed per query.

Standards and compatibility

See also

“Analytical functions”

“DENSE_RANK function [Analytical]”

Chapter 2, “Using OLAP” in the System Administration Guide: Volume 2