SORTKEY function [String]


Generates values that can be used to sort character strings based on alternate collation rules.


[, { collation-idcollation-name [(collation-tailoring-string)] } ]


string-expression The string expression must contain characters that are encoded in the character set of the database and must be STRING data type.

If string-expression is NULL, the SORTKEY function returns a null value. An empty string has a different sort-order value than a null string from a database column.

There is no limit on the length of the input string that the SORTKEY function can handle. The result of SORTKEY is always limited to 1024 bytes and is VARBINARY data type. If the actual results exceed 1024 bytes, the result contains only the first 1024 bytes.

collation-name A string or character variable that specifies the name of the sort order to use. You can also specify the alias char_collation, or, equivalently, db_collation, to generate sort-keys as used by the CHAR collation in use by the database.

Similarly, you can specify the alias NCHAR_COLLATION to generate sort-keys as used by the NCHAR collation in use by the database. However, Sybase IQ does not support NCHAR_COLLATION for Sybase IQ-specific objects. NCHAR_COLLATION is supported for SQL Anywhere objects on a Sybase IQ server.

collation-id A variable, integer constant, or string that specifies the ID number of the sort order to use. This parameter applies only to Adaptive Server Enterprise collations, which can be referred to by their corresponding collation ID.

If you do not specify a collation name or collation ID, the default is Default Unicode multilingual.

Valid collations are as follows:

collation-tailoring-string (Optional) Specify collation tailoring options (collation-tailoring-string) for additional control over sorting and comparison of characters. These options take the form of keyword=value pairs assembled in parentheses, following the collation name. For example,


The syntax for specifying these options is identical to the COLLATION clause of the CREATE DATABASE statement. See collation-tailoring-string in “CREATE DATABASE statement” in Chapter 1, “SQL Statements” of Reference: Statements and Options.

NoteAll of the collation tailoring options are supported for SQL Anywhere databases, when specifying the Unicode Collation Algorithm (UCA) collation. For all other collations, only case sensitivity tailoring is supported.


The following statement queries the Employees table and returns the FirstName and Surname of all employees, sorted by the sort-key values for the Surname column using the dict collation (Latin-1, English, French, German dictionary):

SELECT Surname, GivenName FROM Employees ORDER BY SORTKEY( Surname, 'dict' );


The SORTKEY function generates values that can be used to order results based on predefined sort order behavior. This allows you to work with character sort order behaviors that may not be available from the database collation. The returned value is a binary value that contains coded sort order information for the input string that is retained from the SORTKEY function.

For example, you can store the values returned by the SORTKEY function in a column with the source character string. The following SELECT statement retrieves data from table T1 in the sorted order of c1 according to the Thai dictionary:

SELECT rid, c1 from T1 ORDER BY SORTKEY(c1)

You instead store the value returned by SORTKEY in a column with the source character string. To retrieve the character data in the required order, the SELECT statement needs to include only an ORDER BY clause on the column that contains the results of running the SORTKEY function:

SELECT rid, c1 FROM T1 ORDER BY shadowc1

The SORTKEY function guarantees that the values it returns for a given set of sort order criteria work for the binary comparisons that are performed on VARBINARY data types.

Generating sort-keys for queries can be expensive. As an alternative for frequently requested sort-keys, consider creating a computed column to hold the sort-key values, and then referencing that column in the ORDER BY clause of the query.

With respect to collation tailoring, full sensitivity is generally the intent when creating sort-keys, so when you specify a non-UCA collation, the default tailoring applied is equivalent to case=Respect. For example, the following two statements are equivalent:

SELECT SORTKEY( 'abc', '1252LATIN1' );
SELECT SORTKEY( 'abc', '1252LATIN1(case=Respect)' );

When specifying a non-UCA collation, by default, collation tailorings are accent and case-sensitive. However, for non-UCA collations, you can override only the case sensitivity using a collation tailoring. For example:

SELECT SORTKEY( 'abc', '1252LATIN1(case=LowerFirst)' );

If the database was created without specifying tailoring options, the following two clauses may generate different sort orders, even if the database collation name is specified for the SORTKEY function:

ORDER BY string-expression
ORDER BY SORTKEY( string-expression, database-collation-name )

Different sort orders may be generated, because the default tailoring settings used for database creation and for the SORTKEY function are different. To get the same behavior from SORTKEY as for the database collation, either provide a tailoring syntax for collation-tailoring-string that matches the settings for the database collation, or specify db_collation for collation-name. For example:

SORTKEY( expression, 'db_collation' )

For information on using collation tailoring and the SORTKEY function with a SQL Anywhere database, see “SQL Functions” in the SQL Anywhere Server – SQL Reference.

NoteSort-key values created using a version of Sybase IQ earlier than 15.0 do not contain the same values created using version 15.0 and later. This may be a problem for your applications if your pre-15.0 database has sort-key values stored within it, especially if sort-key value comparison is required by your application. Regenerate any sort-key values in your database that were generated using a version of Sybase IQ earlier than 15.0.

Standards and compatibility

See also

“SORT_COLLATION option” in Chapter 2, “Database Options”

“String functions”

Chapter 11, “International Languages and Character Sets” in System Administration Guide: Volume 1