PowerDesigner provides support for various components in the SAP platform.
PowerDesigner supports round trip reverse-engineering and generation of SAP HANA® v1.0 SP07 tables and analytic and attribute views.
For detailed documentation, see Data Modeling > DBMS Definition Reference > SAP HANA Database.
An SAP Business Suite installation is built on a complex database structure, which comprises many thousand tables with often cryptic names, and may include large numbers of customizations. In certain environments, there may be multiple servers, each with different customizations. PowerDesigner allows you to browse the application component and package hierarchy and to import them and their supporting logical objects for analysis, comparison, and merging of data dictionaries, and can also help you prepare a HANA table structure to allow consolidated reporting on one or more SAP® Business Suite installations.
PowerDesigner supports importing any recent version of SAP® Business Suite.
For detailed documentation, see Data Modeling > DBMS Definition Reference > SAP Business Suite.
PowerDesigner supports generation of a SAP® BusinessObjects™ universe from your PDM for editing in the BusinessObjects Universe Design or Information Design tools, or for direct consumption by the Web Intelligence rich client. Generating a universe from your PDM gives you access to table, view, and column names and comments and more reliable cardinality information than if you create a universe directly from your database.
To generate universes, you must have SAP® BusinessObjects™ SBOP BI Platform Clients 4.0 SP04 Patch 3 (v14.0.4.819) or higher installed on your workstation. On Windows Vista or Windows 7 machines, if PowerDesigner fails to recognize a valid BusinessObjects installation, it may be necessary separately to launch the Universe Design tool one time with administrator privileges to enable the BusinessObjects SDK.
For detailed documentation, see Data Modeling > Building Data Models > Generating and Reverse-Engineering Databases > Generating an SAP BusinessObjects Universe.
PowerDesigner supports round-trip importing and exporting of SAP® Solution Manager v7.1 SP08 projects. You can import and modify existing business scenarios and processes; create new ones, and re-export your project to your Solution Manager server.
For detailed documentation, see Business Process Modeling > SAP Solution Manager