Excel Import Options

The Excel Import Wizard provides a number of options to allow some flexibility in the format of the data it can import.

Option Description
Auto-map columns to properties

Instructs the wizard to automatically map Excel tables and columns to objects and properties in the PowerDesigner metamodel. If all your Excel worksheets and table column headings are named from the PowerDesigner metamodel (or your predefined extensions), this option can make the import run without requesting further input (see Preparing Your Excel File for Import).

Default: Unselected

Create symbols in active diagram

Instructs the wizard to create symbols, where appropriate, for the imported objects in the currently selected diagram.

Default: Unselected

Create associated objects if not found

Instructs the wizard to create objects referenced by the imported objects, if they cannot be found in the Excel file (or in an open model, if the Search for referenced objects in other models option is selected).

For example, in a list of PDM tables, the Owner, property references a user object. If you do not supply a list of users on another worksheet or in an open model (or if your list is incomplete), PowerDesigner will create user objects for any references that cannot be resolved.

Default: Selected

Search for referenced objects in other models

Instructs the wizard to search any models open in the workspace to resolve references as shortcuts if the referenced object cannot be found in the Excel file.

Default: Unselected

Reference associated objects by

Specifies whether the object's name or code (the latter of which does not usually permit spaces or special characters) is used in columns that reference the object. In the example above, you could use the user's name or code to reference it in the Owner column of the list of tables.

Default: Name

Qualified name separator

Specifies the character used to separate namespaces in a qualified name, which is used to specify the location or parent of an object. For example, to specify that architecture area Area3 is inside Area2, which is in turn inside Area1, you would enter Area1.Area2 in the Parent column for Area3.

Default: Dot

List value separator

Specifies the character used to separate items in a list in an Excel cell. For example, you could list all the columns of a table in a cell as follows: ID,Name,Email,Password.

Default: Comma

String literal for 'True' value

Specifies the string used to signify 'True' for boolean attributes. False is signified by an empty cell.

Default: X ('Y', 'Yes', 'True', and '1' also always signify 'True'.