Customizing Object List Columns and Filtering Lists

You can choose which property columns to display in object lists, reorder them, and filter the rows to be displayed from the Customize Columns and Filter dialog.

  1. Click the Customize Columns and Filter tool on an object list toolbar to open the Customize Columns and Filter dialog.
  2. Perform any of the following functions to filter the list:
    • Select columns to display - by checking the [D]isplay column checkbox.

    • Reorder the columns in the list - by using the arrows at the bottom left of the dialog. To move all the selected rows to the top of the list, press SHIFT+ENTER.

    • Define one or more filter expressions - by selecting an operator in the Operator column and entering an expression to filter by in the Expression column.

      The [U]sed checkbox is automatically selected when you enter a filter expression. To disable the expression but keep it in memory, clear the checkbox.

    • Enable or disable in-column filtering directly in the list (see Filtering a List Using In-Column Filters) by selecting the Show column filter buttons option.
  3. Click OK to return to the list. The filter is applied by default, and the Enable/Disable filter tool is depressed. Click this tool to toggle between enabling and disabling the filter.