Generating Model Objects

You can extend the inter-model generation capabilities provided by PowerDesigner by defining your own object generation commands. You can define as many commands as you need, and generate any of your model's objects as any kinds of objects in any other model. The generated objects are linked to the original objects and can be resynchronized at any time.

Before you can generate model objects, you must define the details of the generation (see Defining an Object Generation)

Note: This procedure deals with generating a single type of objects to another model. For information about generating your entire model to another model, see Generating a Model).
  1. Select Tools > Generate Objects > Menu command name to open the Object Generation Options window for the generation that you have previously defined (see Defining an Object Generation).
  2. On the General tab, select a radio button to generate a new or update an existing model, and complete the appropriate options (see Model Generation Options Window).
  3. [optional] Click the Detail tab and set any appropriate options (see Model Generation Options Window Detail Tab).
  4. [optional] Click the Target Models tab and specify the target models for any generated shortcuts (see Model Generation Options Window Target Models Tab).
  5. [optional] Click the Selection tab and select or deselect objects to generate (see Adding an Item from a Selection List).
  6. Click OK to begin generation.