Creating a Traceability Links Matrix to Track Requirement Work Items

A Traceability Links Matrix View can list all the traceability links between your requirements and work items.

  1. Select Requirements > Create a Traceability Matrix View.
  2. In the Matrix View toolbar, click the Change Traceability Matrix Type tool, and then select the External files radio button in the dialog box.
  3. Click OK. The Matrix View will display a column for each of the Team System projects to which you have exported requirements, with a check mark in the cell of each requirement that is linked to a work item by a traceability link:

For more information about the Traceability Matrix View, see Requirements Modeling.

You can also view the links to work items by opening the property sheet of a requirement and clicking the Traceability Links tab. Select the link and then click the Properties tool to go to the associated work item: