Comparing Models in the Repository

You can compare two PowerDesigner models to obtain a detailed list of the differences between them. You can compare two versions of the same repository model, two different repository models, or one repository model and one local model.

Warning!   You can only compare models of the same type (for example, PDM, OOM, EAM).
  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+M, select Repository > Compare, or right-click a model in the Repository tab of the Browser, and select Compare.

    The Select Models to Compare window opens:

  2. For each of Model 1 and Model 2, select:
    • A location to specify whether the model to compare is located in your local workspace or in the repository.

    • The name of the model to compare – click the Properties tool to the right of the list to open the property sheet of the selected model. Select the same model in both lists if you want to compare different versions.

    • The version of the model to compare – the most recent version is selected by default.

  3. Click OK to open the Compare Models window:

For detailed information about using this dialog, see Comparing Models.