Importing Terms from an Excel or CSV File

You can import terms from an Excel or CSV file to quickly populate your glossary.

To simplify the import of terms from an Excel file, we recommend that you create a worksheet called Term, with the following format:
Name Code Comment Reference URL Synonyms Related Terms Category
Client CLIENT Specifies... Customer, User Account, Invoice Sales
Supplier SUPPLIER Specifies... Provider, Seller Account, Invoice Purchasing
etc etc etc etc etc etc etc

Using these exact column headings allows the Excel import to automatically recognize them as the appropriate properties. Only the Name column is required. You can enter multiple values in a column by separating them with commas.

  1. Right-click the Glossary node, and select Import from Excel File to open the Excel Import wizard.
  2. Click the Options button to open the Import Options dialog, select Auto-map columns to properties, click OK to return to the wizard.
  3. Click the Select File button, navigate to and select the file you want to import, then click OK to return to the wizard.
  4. Click Next to begin the wizard. If you have named your columns as suggested above, the wizard recognizes and imports the terms and all their properties without further input from you.
    Note: For detailed information about the PowerDesigner Excel Import Wizard, see Importing Objects from Excel Files.