Reviewing and Modifying an Analysis

The Impact and Lineage tab displays the result of the analysis in a tree format, showing all the impacted and lineage objects. Each item in the tree displays either an [action] suffix to indicate the effect on an impacted object or a [lineage] suffix to designate lineage items

In this example, the analysis shows that:

If an object is dependent multiple times then, for performance reasons, only the first entry appears in detail in the tree. Right-click subsequent undeveloped entries and select Go to First Occurrence to jump to the detail.

The following tools are available on this tab:



Properties – Opens the property sheet of the selected item.

Add Initial Objects – Opens a selection dialog to add objects to analyze.

Re-Analyze – Recalculates the analysis from the selected point in the tree downwards. Select the root object to re-analyze the entire tree.

You can modify your analysis in the following ways: