Copying and Pasting Objects

You can copy objects from diagrams, the Browser, object lists, and the Results List and paste them into diagrams, the Browser, object lists, and external applications.

When you copy an object, you copy not only its properties but also the properties of its related objects to the clipboard. For example, if you copy a CDM entity, you also copy the attributes and business rules attached to that entity. When you paste an object, you transfer all of its properties from the Clipboard and create a new object, and not a graphical synonym or a new instance of the copied object.

Copying Objects

To copy an object, select it in a diagram, the Browser, an object list, or the Results List, and then do one of the following:

Pasting Objects

Note: By default, when you drag and drop objects, you move them, but if you hold down the Ctrl key during a drag and drop, you can create a copy. For more information, see Dragging and dropping objects.

To paste an object in PowerDesigner, click in a diagram, the Browser, or an object list, and then do one of the following:

If you paste the selected object into an external application, the following will occur:

Copied item

Paste result

Diagram symbol

Image of the symbol (MS Word, PaintBrush)

List item from an object list

List in CSV format (MS Word, Excel)

Item from the Check Result list

List in CSV format (Excel)

Item from the Find Result list

List in CSV format (Excel)

Pasting Objects as Shortcuts

When you copy an object you can paste it as a shortcut that references the original object (see Shortcuts and Object Replications).


By default, when you drag and drop objects, you move them, but if you hold down the Ctrl+Shift keys during a drag and drop, you can create a shortcut. For more information, see Dragging and dropping objects.

To paste an object as a shortcut in PowerDesigner, click in a diagram, the Browser, or an object list, and then do one of the following:

When pasting as a shortcut into a diagram, the following rules are used. If the object copied is in:

Managing Paste Conflicts

When you paste an object in PowerDesigner, checks are applied in order to verify that no conflict occurs between the identifying properties of the objects. The identifying criteria depends on the type of object, for some objects it is just the code, for others, the name and the code.

For more information about the identifying properties of an object, see Object namespaces.

When a paste conflict occurs, PowerDesigner automatically renames the name and/or the code of the object in the following way:

Source object

First renaming

Second renaming







A message is displayed in the Output pane to warn you that the object was renamed.

When a paste conflict occurs on a CDM entity, the entity is renamed according to the data item options set in the model.

Data item options

Result of copying an entity

Unique Code

Allow Reuse

New entity with new name and code

New identifier with new name and code

Reuses other attributes

Unique Code only

New entity with new name and code

New identifier with new name and code

New attributes with new names and codes

Allow Reuse only

New entity with new name and code

New identifier with same name and code

Reuses other attributes


New entity with new name and code

New identifier with same name and code

New attributes with same names and codes