Checking out Multiple Documents

The Check Out Multiple Documents dialog is used when you select more than one document for check out.

You can arrive here by:

The following tools are available in this window:



Settings – Opens the Check Out Document window to let you specify check out parameters for the selected document (see Checking out a Document).

Add Document Version - Opens the Check Out Document window to let you to specify a document to add to the list (see Checking out a Document).

Add Related Document Versions – Adds all documents related to the selected document through shortcuts or generation links to the check out list.

Add Document Versions from a Configuration – Opens a selection window allowing you to add all the document versions included in a configuration to the list (see Grouping Document Versions in a Configuration).

Delete - Removes the selected document from the list.

Move Up - Moves the selected document up in the list.

Move Down - Moves the selected document down in the list.