Checking Documents into the Repository

You check documents into the repository to share them with others. You must have at least the Write permission on a document (or on one of its packages) to be able to check it in.

  1. Select the documents to check in on the Local tab of the Browser, then right-click and select Check In to open the:
  2. Select the appropriate parameters (see Check In Parameters), and click OK to check in the document.
  3. If you are checking in a document that is already stored in the repository, the Merge Changes to Repository Document dialog (see Resolving Conflicts During Check In) may open to let you review the differences between your local document and the version in the repository. When you are satisfied, click OK to complete the check in.

If you change the target (DBMS, OO language, etc) outside of the target family (such as moving from AS IQ 12.6 to 12.7), you will no longer be able to update the existing repository document and will need to save the model in a new location in the repository.