When you purchase SySAM 2–enabled Sybase® products, you must
generate, download, and deploy SySAM product licenses.
Host ID
To obtain a license, you must know the
host ID and name
of the computer that will act as the license server. You can obtain these values
during installation of SYSAM on the third page of the installation program where you
are asked to load or copy a license file to proceed. Ethernet addresses are 12
character hex values consisting of digits 0 through 9 and characters A through F,
which can be entered in any of the following formats:
Your host id is obtained by entering the first 8 characters of the
ethernet address in one of the following formats:
Note: For some platforms, host IDs can also be entered in decimal
formats, with a # prefix. Example: #1039716963
For Windows platforms, if your machine does not have a network adapter, you can use
the disk serial number as an alternate host ID. Use the lmutil lmhostid
-vsn command or execute DIR C: to obtain the serial
number, remove the hyphen and enter it with a DISK_SERIAL_NUM=
prefix. For example: DISK_SERIAL_NUM=3e2e17fd