Installing the Repository Proxy on the Proxy Server

The repository administrator is generally responsible for installing the repository proxy.

  1. Insert the PowerDesigner software CD-ROM in the drive, and then click the Install PowerDesigner Repository Proxy button.

    The Repository Proxy installation program opens to the welcome page.

  2. Click Next to go to the license agreement page, and select the location where you are installing the software. Read the License Agreement and click the I Agree radio button to accept the terms of the agreement. If you click I Do Not Agree, you cannot proceed with the Setup program and you will have to cancel the install.

    You can print the License Agreement from the Setup\Licenses directory on the product CD.

  3. Click Next to go to the directory selection page. Setup suggests a location in which to install the Proxy, which you can change by clicking the Browse button.
  4. Click Next to go to the current settings page which shows your choices.
  5. Click Next to accept the current settings and start copying files.

    The copy starts. A progress box is displayed and Setup copies files to the destination directory. When the setup is complete, a page is displayed with two checkboxes selected by default, to let you start the proxy service and launch the configuration tool.

  6. Click Finish to exit the wizard.

    The Repository Proxy Configuration dialog opens to let you configure the repository proxy (see Configuring the Repository Proxy).