You must have a license key file to install PowerDesigner. License files can be downloaded on the Sybase® Product Download Center site (SPDC) at
Before accessing the download site, make sure you know your license configuration, the host ID and the name of the computer that will receive the license key file. You can find the host ID and the computer name in the Installation program, these details are automatically calculated and displayed in the third page of the installation where you are asked to load or copy a license file to proceed.
For Windows platforms, if your machine does not have a network adapter an alternate Hostid of type Disk Serial Number is supported. To get this host id, use the "lmutil lmhostid -vsn"command or get the disk's volume serial number by executing "DIR C:", remove "-" from the value and prefix "DISK_SERIAL_NUM=" to the serial number to get the host id.
Each host ID type has valid formats that will be checked when generating a license. Make sure the value entered matches these valid formats.
Ethernet addresses are 12 character hex values consisting of digits 0 through 9 and characters A through F. They may be entered in any of the following formats:
Host Ids are 8 character hex values consisting of digits 0 through 9 and characters A through F. They may be entered in the following formats:
Note: For some platforms, host IDs can also be entered in decimal formats, in this case prefix the host id with a "#" sign. Example: #1039716963
Disk Serial Number is always entered with a "DISK_SERIAL_NUM=" prefix. For example: DISK_SERIAL_NUM=3e2e17fd