SIMUL8 Diagram Properties

SIMUL8 diagram property sheets contain all the standard diagram tabs, along with the Simulation tab.

The Simulation tab contains the following properties:



Diagram scale

Specifies the percent scale value applied to the symbol coordinates from the top left corner of the diagram.

Default value: 100

Scripting name: DiagramScale

Time unit

Specifies the time unit used for timing values in objects propery sheet. For time units under seconds, decimals of units must be used (for example 0.001 = 1 millisecond).

Default value: Seconds

Scripting name: TimeUnit

Simulation running time

Specifies the number of time units the simulation will run while collecting results information.

Default value: 2400

Scripting name: SimulationRunningTime

Finance currency symbol

Specifies the currency used by the financial properties of objects. Use "E" for Euro. Financial results can be viewed in SIMUL8, by selecting Finance > Income Statement.

Default value: $

Scripting name: FinanceCurrencySymbol

Finance overhead cost / revenue

Specify fixed costs and revenues. Non-object based costs and revenues will be included in financial results, which can be viewed in SIMUL8, by selecting Finance > Income Statement.

Default value: 0, 0

Scripting name: FinanceOverheadCost, FinanceOverheadRevenue