You can decompose processes into subprocesses to analyze them in more
detail. The decomposed process has its own sub-diagram, which models the control flow or
data flow between its sub-processes. Sub-processes can be further decomposed until you reach
a sufficient level of detail or atomic tasks that cannot be further decomposed.
You can decompose a process and create an empty business process diagram
under it in the following ways:
- Use the Process tool to create a subprocess beneath the
process in a process hierarchy diagram (see Process Hierarchy Diagrams (Analysis)).
- In a business process
diagram or process hierarchy diagram, press CTRL and double-click the process
symbol to decompose the process and open the new diagram.
- Right-click the process
in the diagram or Browser and select Decompose
- Open the property sheet
of the process and, on the General tab,
select the Decomposed Process radio
Any objects that you create in the sub-process diagram are listed in the Browser
under the decomposed process. In the following example, we begin with three processes in
Top Level Processes diagram:
![Decomposing Processes - Initial Diagram](../image/penoba1314175233271_43-rad1364204203201.image)
Then the
Log In process is
decomposed. Its symbol acquires a plus sign overview, and a new diagram is created
beneath it in the Browser:
![Decomposing Processes - Decomposed Symbol](../image/penoba1314175233271_43-rad1364204238718.image)
You can navigate in the hierarchy
of diagrams as follows:
- To descend into the subdiagram beneath a decomposed process,
press CTRL and double-click its symbol,
or (double-click the diagram node in the Browser).
- To go up a level in the diagram hierarchy, right-click the
diagram background and select .
- To go to a diagram on the same level of the hierarchy, right-click the diagram
background and select .
- To go to any diagram in the model, right-click the diagram
background, select , and choose the diagram from the tree.
The diagram is empty at first. We rename it and create three new processes, a start, and
an end to provide a complete control flow. These objects are listed under
In in the Browser:
![Decomposing Processes - Decomposed Process Subdiagram](../image/penoba1314175233271_43-rad1364204281048.image)
Note: In general, we recommend that
you create only one diagram under each decomposed process to capture its entire
control flow, but it may in certain cases be appropriate to create addtional
diagrams to model exception cases such as for error management. You cannot create a
package inside a decomposed process, but you can use shortcuts to
You can group existing processes and other control flow objects into a new decomposed
process, which has the effect of adding a new level of decomposition above them:
In our example, we select the two processes
Enter UserName and
Enter Password, and select . The processes are moved to under a new process, provisionally named
Scope_1, which replaces them in the
Log In
![Decomposing Processes - New Decomposed Parent](../image/penoba1314175233271_43-rad1364204313189.image)
We rename the process and its
diagram to
Enter Credentials, and right-click the symbol and select to display the sub-processes:
![Decomposing Processes - Decomposed Parent Diagram in Symbol](../image/penoba1314175233271_43-rad1364204367988.image)
If the sub-diagram is very large,
it may be shrunk to fit in the symbol. You can adjust the symbol manually to change the
zoom level.
To hide the subdiagram, right-click the symbol and select :
![Decomposing Processes - Hide Detail](../image/penoba1314175233271_43-rad1364204408286.image)
To redisplay the sub-symbols, right
click the symbol and select .
You can view the complete structure of your processes in a process
hierarchy diagram (see Process Hierarchy Diagrams (Analysis):). You may need to select to add your decomposed processes to the diagram:
![Decomposing Processes - Process Hierarchy Diagram](../image/penoba1314175233271_43-rad1364209390289.image)
You can view your processes in list form by selecting . To display all processes in the List of Processes, including those
belonging to decomposed processes, click the Include Composite
Processes tool.
You can remove detail from your process hierarchy by right-clicking a decomposed process
symbol and selecting:
- Change to Atomic Task - Deletes all objects under the
decomposed process.
- Remove Composite Process
Level - Deletes the decomposed process and replaces it in the
control flow of the diagram with its child objects.
In our example, we right-click the
Log In process symbol in the
Top Level Processes diagram and select
Remove Composite
Process Level, and it is replaced in the control flow by the
Open Browser and
Enter Credentials
![Decomposing Processes - Remove Level](../image/penoba1314175233271_43-rad1364221018005.image)