A business process model (BPM)
helps you identify, describe, and decompose business processes. You can
analyze your system at various levels of detail, and focus alternatively on
control flow (the sequence of execution) or data flow (the exchange of
data). SAP® Sybase®
supports Analysis, SOA, DFD, SAP® Solution
Manager, BPMN
(including for SAP NetWeaver®),
and BPEL process languages, and process simulation through SIMUL8.
The PowerDesigner BPM allows you to analyze and design the implementation and
execution of business processes using the following process languages:
- Analysis - An implementation-neutral notation to decompose and
analyze the control flow of a process at any level of the process hierarchy. You
can analyze how sub-processes will be allocated to people, organizations, or
groups, the control flow of the process and how data flows through it (see Analysis BPM).
- Service Oriented
Architecture (SOA) - An implementation-neutral notation that adds information
about events and the implementation of services by processes (see Service Oriented Architecture BPM (SOA)).
- Data Flow Diagram
(DFD) - Analyzes your system with respect to the exchange of data between
processes, data stores, and external entities (see Data Flow Diagram (DFD)).
- SAP Solution Manager - Manages and monitors SAP Business Suite
implementations and associated systems. PowerDesigner supports scenario,
scenario flow, and business process diagrams (see SAP Solution Manager).
- BPMN 2.0 - A standard
graphical notation to represent the control flow of a business process, suitable
for refining the analysis of a system with respect to standards. PowerDesigner
supports conversation, choreography, collaboration, and process diagrams (see
BPMN 2.0 Executable).
- BPEL4WS 1.1 or WS-BPEL
2.0 - Defines the invocation of services by processes (see Analysis BPM).