PowerDesigner provides support for all the activities defined in
BPEL4WS 1.1.
BPEL4WS 1.1 activities are based on standard BPM objects with additional properties (see
BPEL4WS 1.1 Object Properties):
- Scope activity [composite] - Composite process (see Processes (BPM)).
- Sequence activity [composite] - Composite process with a
<<sequence>> stereotype.
- Flow activity [composite]
- Synchronization (see Synchronizations (BPM ))
with a <<split>> or <<join>>
stereotype. To gather your flow activities in a container,
use a composite process with a <<flow>> stereotype and create
a nested flow activity.
- While activity [loop] - Composite process with
Loop implementation type and While loop
- Wait activity [generate event] - Process with
Generate event implementation type and
Timer type event.
- Compensate activity
[generate event] - Process with Generate event implementation type and
Compensation type
- Throw activity [generate event] - Process with
Generate event implementation type and a
Fault type event.
- Receive activity [execute operation] - Process with
Execute operation implementation type and Receive
request action type.
- Reply activity [execute operation] - Process with
Execute operation implementation type and
Reply action type.
- Reply fault activity [execute operation] - Process with
Execute operation implementation type and Reply
fault action type.
- Invoke activity [execute operation] - Process with
Execute operation implementation type and Invoke
operation action type.
- Assign activity - Process with
<<assign>> stereotype.
- Empty activity - Process with no implementation type or
- If activity - Decision (see Decisions (BPM )) with a <<switch>>
- Pick activity - Decision with a
<<pick>> stereotype.
- Exit activity - End (see Starts and Ends (BPM )) with a <<terminate>>