Sybase WorkSpace - Deprecated

You define a BPM with the Sybase WorkSpace Business Process language when you want to design business processes and implement them using Business Process Service in Sybase WorkSpace.

Note: Support for this language is deprecated.

The key concepts of Sybase WorkSpace Business Process are the following:

Key concepts

In PowerDesigner


Interface to an external application or business process. Sybase WorkSpace supports many different kinds of services like SOAP, database, EJB, Java, and transformation service.

Business process

Business process model.

Service invocation

Activity that invokes a service operation.

One-way operation

This kind of operation is invoked when a business process sends a message to a service.

Request/Reply operation

This kind of operation is invoked when a business process sends a message to a service and waits for a response from the service.

Receive activity

Activity that receives a request from an external user or application.

Send activity

Activity that sends back a response to a request.

Assign activity

Each assign activity is a sequence of atomic assign tasks. An assign task is an XPath expression that copies value from a variable to another variable.

Split-Join activity

A split is a point in the business process where a single activity splits into two or more parallel activities. A join is a point in the business process where two or more parallel activities converge into a single common activity.

Complex activity

Activity made of atomic activities that imply drill-down capabilities.

Loop activity

Iteration in a cycle involving the repetitive execution of one or more activities until a condition is met. The loop is a sort of complex activity.

Exception handling activity

Fault, timeout or compensation handling.

Delay activity

Defines a pause on the runtime processing and the delay for continuing the runtime processing.

Terminal activity

Defines different kinds of end activities in order to end the runtime processing of a business process or a complex activity. The end object only terminates a branch of the process.

Sequence flow

Control flow between activities.

Note: To check your Sybase WorkSpace BPM, select Tools > Check Model. The model check may perform automatic corrections to your model or output errors and warnings to manually correct. Custom checks appear under the different metaclasses in the Profile category of the Sybase WorkSpace Business process language. Right-click these checks and select Help to obtain information about the check.