The PowerDesigner BPM provides support for the following elements to build messages in a choreography diagram, when modeling a BPEL environment.
The messages exchanged between activities are handled in the Implementation tab of the processes property sheet:
Messages - identify exchanged data between activities. PowerDesigner models messages as standard message formats (see Message Formats (BPM)) with additional properties (see WS-BPEL 2.0 Object Properties and BPEL4WS 1.1 Object Properties)
Parameters - identify subdivisions of messages. PowerDesigner models messages as standard message parts (see Message Parts (BPM)) .
Variables - provide the means for holding messages that constitute a part of the state of a business process. PowerDesigner models variables as standard variables (see Variables (BPM)).
Properties - refer to any parts of a variable. PowerDesigner models properties as standard variables (see Variables (BPM)).
Property aliases - provide the means to map a property to a field in a specific message part or variable value. PowerDesigner models property aliases as standard data transformations (see Data Transformations).
Correlations - specify groups of properties that, taken together, serve to identify a message. PowerDesigner models correlations as standard correlation keys (see Correlation Keys (BPM)).
XSD schema files - specify the data schemas handled by Web services, and act as definitions of grammars which take precedence when a disagreement occurs. PowerDesigner models XSD schema files as standard XSD documents (see XSD Documents (BPM)). You can create an XSD document from the service provider property sheet or import or reverse engineer a WSDL to obtain one.