You design a Send activity using a <<Send>> business process. To create a <<Send>> business process you can right-click an <<Undefined>> process and select Change to Send in the contextual menu and select the corresponding receive activity. You can also select the <<Send>> stereotype in the process property sheet.
The <<Send>> stereotype is associated with an event handler that automatically performs the following actions in the model:
Sets the implementation type of the process to Execute operation
Depending on the selected receive activity, sets the Implemented by property to the same operation that implements the receive activity and changes the type of the operation to Request-Response
Automatically creates the output message format corresponding to the Request-Response operation and displays it in the Message mapping box in the Sent message group box
Sets the Action type property to Reply
Creates a new variable with the same name as the sent message
If the activity sends a fault, you can right-click an <<Undefined>> process and select Change to Send Fault in the contextual menu.
When you assign the <<Send>> stereotype to a business process, you are prompted to select a corresponding Receive activity, because the Send is a reply to the Receive activity. In Sybase WorkSpace Business Process, you cannot associate more than one Send activity to a Receive activity.