Generating Code for ADO.NET or ADO.NET CF

In order to generate code for ADO.NET or ADO.NET CF, you must have the .NET Framework 2.0 Visual Studio.NET 2005 or above installed:

  1. Select Tools > Check Model to verify if there are errors or warnings in the model. If there are errors, fix them before continuing with code generation.
  2. Select Language > Generate C# 2 Code or Generate Visual Basic 2005 Code to open the Generation dialog box:
  3. Specify the root directory where you want to generate the code and then click the Options tab:

  4. [optional] To use DAL, set the Generate DAL sources option to true. For information about the standard C# and VB.NET generation options, see Generating VB.NET Files or Generating C# 2.0 Files.
  5. Click OK to generate code immediately or Apply and then Cancel to save your changes for later.

Once generation is complete, you can use an IDE such as Visual Studio.NET 2005 to modify the code, compile, and develop your application.