The following objects are available in an OOM targeted for EMF.
PowerDesigner models EMF EPackages as standard UML packages, but with additional properties.
Eclasses, EEnums, and EDataTypes
PowerDesigner models EMF EClasses as standard UML classes, and EEnums and EDataTypes as standard UML classes with an Enum and an EDataType stereotype, respectively.
PowerDesigner models EMF EAnnotations as standard UML classes, with an AnnotationType sterotype.
Eattributes and EEnumLiterals
PowerDesigner models EMF EAttributes and EEnumLiterals (EAttributes belonging to EEnums) as standard UML attributes, but with additional properties.
PowerDesigner models EMF EReferences as standard UML associations, but with additional properties.
EOperations and EParameters
PowerDesigner models EMF EOperations and EParameters as standard UML operations and operation parameters.