Generating Servlets

The generation process retrieves all classes used by the servlet components to generate the servlets.

  1. Select Language > Generate Java Code to open the Generation dialog.
  2. Enter a directory in which to generate the files, and specify whether you want to perform a model check (see Checking an OOM).
  3. Click the Selection tab, then select the objects you need in the different tabbed pages.

  4. Click Apply.
  5. Click the Options tab, specify your generation options.

    For more information on the generation options, see Generating Java Files.

  6. Click Apply.
  7. Click the Tasks tab, then select the commands you want to perform during generation.

    For more information on the generation tasks, see Generating Java Files.

    You must beforehand set your environment variables from Tools > General Options > Variables in order to activate them in this page.

    For more information on how to set these variables, see Core Features Guide > Modeling with PowerDesigner > Customizing Your Modeling Environment > General Options > Environment Variables.

  8. Click OK to close the dialog.

    A progress box is displayed, followed by a Result list. You can use the Edit button in the Result list to edit the generated files individually.

  9. Click OK to begin generation.

    The web.XML file is created in the WEB-INF directory and all files are generated in the generation directory.