JAXM is a Java API for XML messaging that provides a standard way to send XML documents over the Internet from the Java platform.
If the Web service implementation type is JAXM, PowerDesigner uses the JAXM model for implementation. JAXM Web Service components provide the flexibility for handling complex message formats.
The JAXM Java class uses the onMessage() method to get the SOAP input message and return the output SOAP message. To generate correct WSDL, you have to define a Web Service method with the correct name, input message format and output message format but without implementation. The onMessage() method should not be defined as a Web Service method.
To Use JAXM, you can use the Java Web Services Developer Pack (JWSDP) 1.1 or higher (available from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/index.html) or a Servlet container or J2EE server that supports JAXM.
To compile JAXM Web service components, you need the jaxm-api.jar, jaxp-api.jar and saaj-api.jar files in your CLASSPATH environment variable. You can also define a JAVACLASSPATH variable in PowerDesigner to define the classpath specific to PowerDesigner, in this case the JAVACLASSPATH variable replaces the CLASSPATH environment variable
You need an application server or a Servlet container that supports JAXM. JWSDP ships with Apache Tomcat that supports JAXM.