NHibernate Options

To set the database connection parameters and other NHibernate options, double-click the model name in the browser to open its property sheet, and click the NHibernate tab.




Specifies the dialect, and hence the type of database.

NHibernate Tag: dialect

Driver class

Specifies the driver class.

NHibernate Tag: connection.driver_class

Connection String

Specifies the connection string. You can enter this by hand or click the ellipsis tool to the right of the field to use a custom dialog. For information about the provider-specific parameters used to build the connection string, see Configuring Connection Strings.

NHibernate Tag: connection.url

Auto import

Specifies that users may use an unqualified class name in queries.

Default access

Specifies the default class attribute access type. This and the other package options, are valid for the whole model You can fine-tune these options for an individual package through its property sheet.

Specifies the default cascade

Specifies the default cascade type.

Schema name

Specifies the default database schema name.

Catalog name

Specifies the default database catalog name.

Show SQL

Specifies that SQL statements should be shown in the log.

NHibernate Tag: show_sql

Auto schema export

Specifies the mode of creation from tables.

NHibernate Tag: hbm2ddl.auto