Adding a New PageFlow

You add a new PageFlow from the Toolbox.

  1. Select Transition from the Toolbox.
  2. Select the source state, e.g., "Home", to the target state, e.g., "CustomerFind". A default transition will be generated.
  3. Double click the default transition, or right click the default transition and select Properties in the context menu, its property dialog will pop up.

  1. Click Create button beside Trigger Event, it will pop up Trigger Event creation dialog. You can input the name, e.g., GoCustomer. Click "OK" to finish the creation of Trigger Event.

  1. Click "OK" in the property dialog of Transition. A new PageFlow will be created.

After you modify the default pageflow, and generate JSF codes, the corresponding default JSF pages, page beans and faces-config file will be updated.