Defining the Hibernate Database Configuration Parameters

Hibernate can support multiple databases. You need to define database configuration parameters. The database configuration parameters are stored in the configuration file, hibernate.cfg.xml .

  1. Open the model property sheet and click the Hibernate Configuration tab:

  2. Define the type of database, JDBC driver, connection URL, JDBC driver jar file path, user name, password, etc.




Specifies the dialect, and hence the type of database.

Hibert Tag: dialect

JDBC driver class

Specifies the JDBC driver class.

Hibert Tag: connection.driver_class

Connection URL

Specifies the JDBC connection URL string.

Hibert Tag: connection.url

JDBC driver jar

Specifies the JDBC driver jar file path.

Hibert Tag: N/A

User name

Specifies the database user name.

Hibert Tag: connection.username


Specifies the database user password.

Hibert Tag: connection.password

Show SQL

Specifies that SQL statements should be shown in the log.

Hibert Tag: show_sql

Auto schema export

Specifies the mode of creation from tables.

Hibert Tag:

Package prefix

Specifies a namespace prefix for all the packages in the model.

Hibert Tag: N/A

Connection pool size

Specifies the maximum number of pooled connections.

Hibert Tag: connection.pool_size

You can verify the configuration parameters in the Preview tab.