Exporting XMI Files

PowerDesigner supports the export of an OOM to an XMI file. Since XMI only supports the transfer of objects, any associated PowerDesigner symbols and diagrams are not preserved during the export.

PowerDesigner exports to UML container objects as follows:

UML Container PowerDesigner Object PowerDesigner Diagram


Composite Activity

Activity Diagram

State Machine

Composite State

State Diagram



Sequence Diagram,

Communication Diagram, or

Interaction Overview Diagram

  1. Select File > Export > XMI File to open a standard Save As dialog box.
  2. Enter a filename for the file to be exported, select the appropriate type, and click Save.

    The General tab in the Output window shows the objects being exported. You can open the resulting XMI file in any modeling tool that supports this exchange format or a code generator such as Java, CORBA, or C++.