Customizing Object Creation Scripts

The Script tab allows you to customize the object's creation script by, for example, adding descriptive information about the script.


For example, if a project archives all generated creation scripts, a header can be inserted before each creation script, indicating the date, time, and any other appropriate information or, if generated scripts must be filed using a naming system other than the script name, a header could direct a generated script to be filed under a different name.

You can insert scripts at the beginning (Header subtab) and the end (Footer subtab) of a script or insert scripts before and after a class or interface creation command (Imports subtab)

The following tools and shortcut keys are available on the Script tab:



[Shift+F11] Open Editor Contextual menu

[Ctrl+E] Edit With - Opens your default editor.

Import Folder - [Imports sub-tab] Opens a selection window to select packages to import to the cursor position, prefixed by the keyword 'import'.

Import Classifier - [Imports sub-tab] Opens a selection window to select classifiers to import to the cursor position, prefixed by the keyword 'import'.

You can use the following formatting syntax with variables:

Format code

Format of variable value in script


Lowercase characters


Removes blank spaces


Uppercase characters


Upper-case first letter and lower-case next letters


Maximum length where n is the number of characters


Justifies to fixed length where n is the number of characters

You embed formatting options in variable syntax as follows: