SAP Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise

To create a PDM with support for features specific to the SAP® Sybase® Adaptive Server® Enterprise DBMS family, select the appropriate version in the DBMS field of the New Model dialog. To view these extensions to the PowerDesigner metamodel in the Resource Editor, select Database > Edit Current DBMS and expand the Profile node.

Note: The DBMS definition files for Sybase AS Enterprise v12.5.3 and v15.0 are deprecated.

The following sections list the extensions provided for ASE.

Note: We do not provide documentation for the properties on the Physical Options and certain other tabs, though minimal information is available for them in the Resource Editor. For information about these properties, consult your DBMS reference documentation.


The following extensions are available on the Partitions tab (v15.0 and higher):




Indicates how records are distributed on table partitions. You must choose between:
  • Range - partitioned according to specified ranges of values in the partitioning column or columns (Scripting name: PartitionByRange).
  • Hash - partitioned by a system-supplied hash function (Scripting name: PartitionByHash).
  • List - partitioned according to literal values specified in the named column (Scripting name: PartitionByList).
  • Round robin - partitioned in a sequential manner (Scripting name: PartitionByRoundrobin).

Each of the partitioning methods enables a list of partitions for you to complete, except round robin by partition number, which requires only that you specify the number of available partitions on a particular storage.

Scripting name: Partition


[range and hash] Specifies an ordered list of columns used to determine into which partition a row belongs.

Scripting name: PartitionByRangeColumnListColumn, PartitionByHashColumnListColumn


[list] Specifies the column used to determine into which partition a row belongs.

Scripting name: PartitionByListColumnColumnName


[round robin] Specifies the table partitions

Scripting name: PartitionByRoundrobinSegmentEnumOnAbsence

Partition number

[round robin] Specifies the number of partitions for the table.

Scripting name: PartitionByRoundrobinSegmentEnumOnPresence


[round robin by partition number] Number of partitions for the table

Scripting name: PartitionByRoundrobinSegmentEnumPartitionNum

Storage (segment)

[round robin by partition number] Specifies the name of the segment on which to place the table partition.

Scripting name: PartitionByRoundrobinSegmentEnumOnSegmentName

[list of partitions]

[all but round robin by partition number] Specifies the list of partitions to be used

Scripting name: PartitionByRangePartitionListPartitionDefinition, PartitionByHashPartitionListPartitionDefinition, PartitionByListPartitionListPartitionDefinition,PartitionByRoundrobinPartitionListPartitionDefinition


The following extensions are available on the Sybase tab:



Store Java-SQL column in row

[v12.0 and higher] Specifies whether a Java-SQL column is stored separate from the row (set to False) or in storage allocated directly in the row (set to True).

Scripting name: InRow

Computed column is materialized

[v15.0 and higher] Specifies that the computed column is materialized.

Scripting name: Materialized


[v12.5.3a and higher] Specifies that the column is encrypted. Enabled only for columns with a datatype that supports encryption.

Scripting name: Encrypted

Encryption key

[v12.5.3a and higher] Specifies an encryption key. Use the tools to the create or select a key (see Encryption Keys (ASE)).

Scripting name: EncryptionKey

Default decrypt value

[v15.5.0 and higher] Specifies the default constant value that is returned to users who do not have decrypt permissions.

Scripting name: DecryptDefault


[v15.7 and higher] Specifies that the data in the column is compressed.

Scripting name: Compressed

Compression Level

[v15.7 and higher] Specifies the level of column data compression.

Scripting name: CompressionLevel


The following extensions are available on the General tab:



Encryption key

[v16 and higher] Specifies the key used to encrypt the whole database.

Scripting name: EncryptionKey

For cluster

[v15.5.0 and higher] Specifies that the database will support clustering.

Scripting name: ForCluster


[v15.5.0 and higher] Specifies the whether the database is of type:

  • [for standard databases] inmemory, temporary, or inmemory temporary
  • [for cluster databases] temporary, global temporary, or system temporary

Scripting name: DatabaseType


The following extensions are available on the Sybase tab:



Key index is descending

[v12.0 and higher] Specifies if the index created for a constraint is to be created in descending order for each column.

Scripting name: DescKey


The following extensions are available on the Encryption tab (v12.5.3a and higher):



Encryption password

Global encryption password.

Scripting name: EncryptionPassword

Web Services

The following extensions are available on the Sybase tab (v15.0 and higher):



Port number

Specifies the web service port number.

Scripting name: PortNumber

Server name

Specifies the web service server name.

Scripting name: ServerName

Database name

Specifies the database name used in the URL to access the web service.

Scripting name: DatabaseName

Web Operations

The following extensions are available on the Sybase tab (v15.0 and higher):




Specifies the name of the user-defined database alias.

Scripting name: Alias


Security option. clear indicates that HTTP is used to access this Web service. ssl indicates HTTPS is used to access this Web service

Scripting name: Secure