
To create a PDM with support for features specific to the Oracle DBMS family, select the appropriate version in the DBMS field of the New Model dialog. To view these extensions to the PowerDesigner metamodel in the Resource Editor, select Database > Edit Current DBMS and expand the Profile node.

Note: When working with Oracle v11gR2, use the Oracle v11g DBMS definition file. Support for Oracle v8-9 is deprecated.

When working with Oracle triggers, you can use the TRGBODY and TRGDESC variables. For information about working with variables, see Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner > DBMS Definition Files > PDM Variables and Macros.

The following table lists Oracle dimension objects and their equivalents in PowerDesigner:

Oracle object

PowerDesigner object


Dimension (see Dimensions (PDM))


Dimension hierarchy (see Hierarchies (PDM))


Dimension attribute used in a hierarchy (see Fact and Dimension Attributes (PDM))


Dimension attribute used as detail attribute (seeFact and Dimension Attributes (PDM))

The following sections list the extensions provided for Oracle.

Note: We do not provide documentation for the properties on the Physical Options and certain other tabs, though minimal information is available for them in the Resource Editor. For information about these properties, consult your DBMS reference documentation.
Note: In Oracle, the storage composite physical option is used as a template to define all the storage values in a storage entry to avoid having to set values independently each time you need to re-use them same values in a storage clause. For this reason, the Oracle physical option does not include the storage name (%s).

Abstract Data Types and Attributes

The following extensions are available on the General tab of abstract data types:




[12c and higher] Specifies that the type is an editioned object (if editioning is enabled for the schema object type TYPE in schema). This applies to both type specification and body.

Scripting name: Editionable

The following extensions are available on the Oracle tab for attributes of abstract data types of type OBJECT or SQLJ_OBJECT:



Declare REF

Generates a REF modifier on attribute to declare references, which hold pointers to objects.

Scripting name: RefAttribute


The following extensions are available on the Oracle tab:



Check constraint

[v11g and higher] You can specify the following options:
  • Deferrable - Specifies that in subsequent transactions you can use the SET CONSTRAINT clause to defer checking of this constraint until after the transaction is committed.
  • Initially deferred - Specifies that Oracle should check this constraint at the end of subsequent transactions.

Scripting name: CheckDeferrable, NotNullDeferrable, CheckInitiallyDeferred, NotNullInitiallyDeferred

Deferred option of check constraint

[up to v10gR2] Defines the deferred option of a column constraint check. It is used in the definition or create and add items statements.

Scripting name: ExtColumnDeferOption

Mandatory columns

You can specify the following options:
  • Constraint name/Name of not null constraint - Defines the name of the not null constraint for a column.
  • [v11g and higher] Deferrable - Specifies that in subsequent transactions you can use the SET CONSTRAINT clause to defer checking of this constraint until after the transaction is committed.
  • [v11g and higher] Initially deferred - Specifies that Oracle should check this constraint at the end of subsequent transactions.
  • [up to v10gR2] Deferred option of not null constraint - Defines the deferred option of a column not null constraint. An empty value means "Not deferrable".

Scripting name: ExtNotNullConstraintName, ExtNotNullDeferOption


[v10gR2 and higher] Specifies that column is encrypted. You can specify the following options:
  • Algorithm - Specifies the algorithm used for encryption.
  • With salt - Specifies that the encryption adds salt to encoded data.
  • Identified by Password - Provides the password for encrypting the column

Scripting name: Encrypted, Algorithm, EncryptionWithSalt, IdentifiedByPassword


[v12c and higher] Specifies that the column stores a number incrementing with each insertion. You can specify the following options:
  • Generated - Specifies when the identity clause applies to the column.
  • Start -Specifies the value to begin the sequence with.
  • Increment - Specifies the interval between the sequence numbers.
  • Cycle - Specifies that the sequence continues to generate values after reaching either its maximum or minimum value. If this option is not selected the sequence cannot generate more values after reaching its maximum or minimum value.
  • Order - Specifies that sequence numbers must be generated in order of request.
  • Cache - Specifies that values of the sequence are preallocated. You can additionally specify how many values of the sequence the database preallocates and keeps in memory for faster access.
  • Minvalue, Maxvalue - Specify that the sequence has a minimum and/or maximum value, which you specify in the fields to the right of the options.

Scripting name: Identity, Generated, StartWith, IncrementBy, Cycle, Order, HasCache, CacheValue, HasMinvalue, Minvalue, HasMaxvalue, Maxvalue


[v12c and higher] You can specify the following options:
  • Invisible - Specifies that the column is a hidden column. To display or assign a value to an INVISIBLE column, you must specify its name explicitly.
  • Default on null - Specifies that Oracle assigns the DEFAULT column value when a subsequent INSERT statement attempts to assign a value that evaluates to NULL.

Scripting name: Invisible, DefaultOnNull

XML Virtual Columns

If the table type is set to XML, the Columns tab is replaced by the XML Virtual Columns tab.The following extensions are available on the General tab of XML virtual columns:




Specifies the SQL expression used to compute virtual column value.

Scripting name: Expression

Database Packages

The following extensions are available on the Oracle tab:



Add serially_reusable pragma on package specification

Specifies that the pragma serially_reusable clause must be applied on the database package specification.

Scripting name: IsSpecPragma

Add serially_reusable pragma on package body

Specifies that the pragma serially_reusable clause must be applied on the database package body declaration.

Scripting name: IsPragma


[12c and higher] Specifies that the package is an editioned object (if editioning is enabled for the schema object type PACKAGE in schema). This applies to both package specification and body.

Scripting name: Editionable


The following extensions are available on the Oracle tab:



Password Encryption

[v10gR2 and higher] Specifies the master key for encoding and decoding encrypted data.

Scripting name: PasswordEncryption


The following extensions are available on the Oracle tab:



Deferred option

Defines the deferred option of a reference. It is used in the definition of create and add items statements.

Scripting name: ExtReferenceDeferOption

Exceptions into

Specifies a table into which Oracle places the ROWIDs of all rows violating the constraint.

Scripting name: ExceptionsInto


Specifies whether an enabled constraint is to be enforced.

Specify RELY to enable an existing constraint without enforcement.

Specify NORELY to enable and enforce an existing constraint.

Scripting name: Rely


Disables the integrity constraint.

Scripting name: Disable


Checks that all old data also obeys the constraint.

Scripting name: Validate


The following extensions are available on the Oracle tab:



Materialized view log

Specifies the materialized view log associated with the table.

Scripting name: MaterializedViewLog

The following extensions are available on the XML properties tab (for v11g and higher) when the table type is set to XML:




Specifies that the properties of object tables are essentially the same as those of relational tables.

However, instead of specifying columns, you specify attributes of the object.

Scripting name: XmlTypeObjProperty

Storage type

Specifies that XMLType columns can be stored in LOB, object-relational, or binary XML columns.

Scripting name: XMLTypeStorage

Basic file

Use this clause to specify the traditional LOB storage.

Scripting name: BasicFile

Secure file

Use this clause to specify high-performance LOB.

Scripting name: SecureFile

LOB segment name

Specify the name of the LOB data segment. You cannot use LOB_segname if you specify more than one LOB_item.

Scripting name: LOBSegname

LOB parameters

Use this clause to specify various elements of LOB parameters.

Scripting name: LOBParameters


The following extensions are available on the Oracle tab:



Size specification

[v10g and higher] Specifies whether the tablespace is a bigfile or smallfile tablespace. This clause overrides any default tablespace type setting for the database. You can choose from the following settings:

  • bigfile - contains only one datafile or tempfile. The maximum size of the single datafile or tempfile is 128 terabytes (TB) for a tablespace with 32K blocks and 32TB for a tablespace with 8K blocks.

  • smallfile - a traditional Oracle tablespace.

Scripting name: SizeSpecification

Temporary tablespace

Use this option to create a locally managed temporary tablespace, which is an allocation of space in the database that can contain transient data that persists only for the duration of a session. This transient data cannot be recovered after process or instance failure.

Scripting name: Temporary

Undo tablespace

Use this option to create an undo tablespace. When you run the database in automatic undo management mode, Oracle Database manages undo space using the undo tablespace instead of rollback segments. This clause is useful if you are now running in automatic undo management mode but your database was not created in automatic undo management mode.

Scripting name: Undo

Note: If you do not have a login "System", when reversing tablespaces via a live database connection, physical options will not be reversed. If you want to cancel the reverse engineering of tablespace physical options, you should clear the SqlAttrQuery query in the Tablespace category in the Oracle DBMS.


The following extensions are available on the General tab (for v9i and higher):



Identification type

Specifies how the user will be identified. You can choose between:
  • by - requires a password
  • externally - requires a distinguished name
  • globally - requires a distinguished name

Scripting name: Identification

Distinguished name

[external or global identification types] Specifies the user's distinguished name (DN) in the directory or certificate.

Scripting name: DistinguishedName


[by identification type] Specifies the user password.

Scripting name: ClearPassword

The following extensions are available on the Options tab:



Default tablespace

Specifies the default tablespace for objects that the user creates.

Scripting name: DefaultTablespace

Temporary tablespace

Specifies the tablespace or tablespace group for the user's temporary segments.

Scripting name: TemporaryTablespace

Quota definition

Specifies the maximum amount of space the user can allocate in the tablespace.

Scripting name: QuotaDefinition


Specifies the profile to assign to the user.

Scripting name: Profile

Password expire

Specifies that the user's password will expire.

Scripting name: PasswordExpire

Account lock

Select lock to lock the user's account and disable access or unlock to enable access to the account.

Scripting name: AccountLock


The following extensions are available on the Oracle tab:



Super view object

Used in the UNDER clause to specify the superview the current object view is based on.

Scripting name: ExtObjSuperView

Object view key

Specifies the attributes of the object type that will be used as a key to identify each row in the object view.

Scripting name: ExtObjOIDList

Object view type

Defines the type of the object view.

Scripting name: ExtObjViewType


When set to TRUE, allows you to create the view regardless of the existence of the base tables or the owner privileges on these tables.

Scripting name: ExtViewForce

[v12c and higher] Specifies that the view is an editioning view, a single-table view that selects all rows from the base table and displays a subset of the base table columns. You can specify that the view is:
  • editioning
  • editionable
  • editionable editioning
  • noneditionable

Scripting name: Editioning


[v12c and higher] Specifies whether functions referenced in the view are executed using the view invoker's rights or the view definer's rights.

Scripting name: Bequeath


The following extensions are available on the General tab:




[v12c and higher] Specify whether the synonym is an editioned or noneditioned object if editioning is enabled for the schema object type SYNONYM in schema.

Scripting name: Editionable