Other Object Model Options

To set model options for tables and views, indexes, join indexes, procedures, sequences, triggers, and database packages select Tools > Model Options, and select the appropriate sub-category under Model Settings.

You can set the following options for these objects:



Default owner

Specifies a default owner for the specified object from the list of users (see Creating a User, Group, or Role). To create a user, click on the ellipsis button to open the List of Users, and click the Add a Row tool.

If the user specified is subsequently deleted, this option (and the ownership of all associated objects) will be reset to none.

Ignore identifying owner

[tables and views] Specifies that the owner of a table or view is ignored for identification purposes. Since, by default, both the name/code and the owner are considered during a uniqueness check, this option enables you to enforce distinct names for these objects.

For example, if a model contains a table called "Table_1", which belongs to User_1, and another table, also called "Table_1", which belongs to User_2, it will, by default, pass a uniqueness check because of the different owners.

Rebuild automatically triggers

[triggers] Automatically rebuilds the triggers on the child and parent tables of a reference when you:
  • change the implementation of a reference

  • change the referential integrity rules of a reference implemented by a trigger

  • change the child or parent table of a reference implemented by a trigger (new and old)

  • create or delete a reference implemented by a trigger

  • change the maximum cardinality of the references

If this option is not selected, you can manually instruct PowerDesigner to rebuild triggers at any time by selecting Tools > Rebuild Objects > Rebuild Triggers.