Generating Web Services for IBM DB2

For IBM DB2 Web services, PowerDesigner can generate Document Access Definition Extension (DADX) files.

To enable the DADX generation extensions in your model, select Model > Extensions, click the Attach an Extension tool, select the DADX file (on the General Purposetab), and click OK to attach it.

  1. Select Tools > Extended Generation to open the Generation dialog with DADX selected in the Targets tab.

  2. Click the Select a Path tool to the right of the Directory field, and specify a path for the DADX files.
  3. Click the Selection tab, and select the web services for which you want to generate a DADX file.

  4. Click OK to begin generation.

    When generation is complete, the Result dialog displays the paths of the DADX files.

  5. [optional] Select the path of a DADX file and click Edit to display the DADX file in the editor window.

  6. Click Close in the Result dialog box.

    You can now use the DADX files for SOAP requests in IBM DB2 UDB web services Object Runtime Framework (WORF).