A relationship is a link between entities. For example, in a model
that manages human resources, the Member relationship links the
Employee and Team entities and expresses that each
employee works in a team, and each team has employees.
For example, the employee Martin works in the Marketing team is
one occurrence of the Member relationship.
When you generate a PDM from a CDM or LDM, relationships are generated as references.
Note: Relationships are used to link entities in the ER, Barker, and IDEF1X methodologies,
while Merise uses associations (see
Associations and Association Links (CDM)).
PowerDesigner lets you use relationships or associations exclusively, or combine the two
methodologies in the same model. The following examples use the ER format. For more
information about the other notations, see
Supported CDM/LDM Notations.
A one-to-many relationship links one instance of the first entity to multiple instances
of the second entity. Additional properties can make one or both sides of this
relationship mandatory and define identification rules:
One-to-many relationship

Each division may have zero or more employees
Each employee may belong to zero or one division

Each division must have one or more employees
Each employee may belong to zero or one division

Each division may have zero or more employees
Each employee must belong to one and only one division

Each division must have one or more employees
Each employee must belong to one and only one division

Each division may have zero or more employees
Each employee must belong to one and only one division
Each employee is identified uniquely by division number and
employee number

Each division must have one or more employees
Each employee must belong to one and only one division
Each employee is identified uniquely by division number and
employee number
A one-to-one relationship links one instance of the first entity with one instance of the
second entity:
One-to-one relationship

Each team works on zero or one project
Each project is managed by zero or one team

Each team works on one and one project only
Each project is managed by zero or one team

Each team works on zero or one project
Each project is managed by one and one team only
A many-to-many relationship links multiple instances of the first entity to multiple
instances of the second entity. This type of relationship is not permitted, by default,
in the LDM (see
Enabling Many-to-many Relationships in an LDM):
Many-to-many relationship

Each division may have zero or more employees
Each employee may belong to zero or more divisions

Each division must have one or more employees
Each employee may belong to zero or more divisions

Each division may have zero or more employees
Each employee must belong to one or more divisions

Each division must have one or more employees
Each employee must belong to one or more divisions