An SAP Business Suite installation is built on a complex database structure, which comprises many thousand tables with often cryptic names, and may include large numbers of extensions. In certain environments, there may be multiple servers, each with different extensions. PowerDesigner allows you to browse the application component and packages in the hierarchy, and to import them and their supporting logical objects for analysis, comparison, and merging of data dictionaries.
Use the tools to the right of the Connection name field to create a new connection profile, review the properties of the existing profile, or delete it. Business Suite connection profiles are stored in the registry.
The component and package structure is imported, with tables located in
their appropriate package, and global domains and data elements are listed
at the root of the model.
PowerDesigner stores
the technical name of each object in its Code field,
and uses the more intuitive short description of the object as its name.
Thus, for example, the table identified as SCMATRANSACT in
the data dictionary is displayed as Schedule Manager: Registered SAP
Transactions in PowerDesigner.
Each component and package contains a diagram which shows the objects it