Login Policies (IQ/SQL Anywhere)

Sybase IQ (v15.0 and higher) and SQL Anywhere (v12 and higher) define the rules to be followed when establishing a user’s database connection in a database object called a login policy. PowerDesigner models login policies as extended objects with a stereotype of <<LoginPolicy>>.

Creating a Login Policy

You can create a login policy in any of the following ways:

  • Select Model > Login Policies to access the List of Login Policies, and click the Add a Row tool.

  • Right-click the model (or a package) in the Browser, and select New > Login Policy.

Login Policy Properties

You can modify an object's properties from its property sheet. To open a login policy property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the Login Policies folder.

The following extended attributes are available on the Sybase tab (Options tab from v16 and higher):



Password life time

Specifies the maximum number of days before a password must be changed.

Scripting name: PasswordLifeTime

Password grace time

Specifies the number of days before password expiration during which login is allowed but the default post_login procedure issues warnings.

Scripting name: PasswordGraceTime

Password expires

Specifies that the user's password will expire in the next login.

Scripting name: PasswordExpiryOnNextLogin


Specifies that users are prohibited from establishing new connections.

Scripting name: Locked

Maximum connections

Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections allowed for a user.

Scripting name: MaxConnections

Maximum failed logins

Specifies the maximum number of failed attempts, since the last successful attempt, to login to the user account before the account is locked.

Scripting name: MaxFailedLoginAttempts

Auto unlock time

[v16 and higher] Specifies the time period after which locked accounts not granted the MANAGE ANY USER system privilege are automatically unlocked.

Scripting name: AutoUnlockTime

Maximum days since login

Specifies the maximum number of days that can elapse between two successive logins by the same user.

Scripting name: MaxDaysSinceLogin

Maximum non-dba connections

Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections that a user without DBA authority can make. This option is only supported in the root login policy.

Scripting name: MaxNonDBAConnections

Change password dual control

[v16 and higher] Specifies that two users, each granted the CHANGE PASSWORD system privilege, are required to change the password of another user.

Scripting name: ChangePasswordDualControl

Default logical server

[v16 and higher] Specifies the server to which the user using this login policy connects when the connection string specifies no logical server.

Scripting name: DefaultLogicalServer_disp

Root auto unlock time

[v16 and higher] Specifies the time period after which locked accounts granted the MANAGE ANY USER system privilege are automatically unlocked.

Scripting name: RootAutoUnlockTime

[v16 and higher] The following extended attributes are available on the LDAP tab:



Primary / Secondary server

Specify the names of the primary and secondary LDAP servers (see LDAP Servers (IQ)).

Scripting name: LDAPPrimaryServer, LDAPSecondaryServer

Auto fallback period

Specifies the time period, in minutes, after which automatic failback to the primary server is attempted.

Scripting name: LDAPAutoFailbackPeriod

Failover to standard authentication

Permits standard authentication when authentication via the LDAP server fails due to system resources, network outage, connection timeouts, or similar system failures.

Scripting name: LDAPFailoverToStd

Record LDAP DN refresh time

Updates the ldap_refresh_dn value in the system table with the current time, stored in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

Scripting name: LDAPRefreshDN