Security label components are database objects that model your organization's security structure.
A security label component represents a criteria to decide if a user should have access to a given piece of data, such as how well trusted the user is, what department she is in, or whether she is involved in a particular project.
Security label components are supported for DB2 for Common Server v9.5 and higher. PowerDesigner models security label components as extended objects with a stereotype of <<SecurityLabelComponent>>.
You can create a security label component in any of the following ways:
You can modify an object's properties from its property sheet. To open a security label component property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the Security Label Components folder.
The following extended attributes are available on the DB2 tab:
Property |
Description |
Component type |
Specifies the type of component. You can choose between:
Scripting name: Type |
Constant list |
Specifies one or more string constant values that make up the set of valid values for the component. The order in which the array elements appear is significant, with the first element ranking higher than the second element, and so on. Scripting name: List |