Table collapsing consists in merging tables in order to eliminate
joins and to improve query performance. You can collapse tables related to each other with a
reference or tables with identical primary keys.
Select Tools > Denormalization > Table Collapsing, or right-click a reference between the tables to collapse and
select Table Collapsing to open the Table Collapsing
Specify a name and code for the table to be created, and then
click Next.
Click the Add Tables tool to select
tables to collapse into the new table, specify whether you want to keep the
original tables after collpsing, and then click
Specify a name and code for the transformation object that will be created to
preserve information about the collapsing, and then click
Finish to collapse the selected tables into a single
unified table (with graphical synonyms replacing each original table symbol in
the diagram to minimize disruption of references.
In this example, the tables Customer and
Order are collapsed together to eliminate the join and
optimize data retrieval. The result is a single table (with 2 synonym
symbols) with the primary key of the child table:
[optional] Delete one of more of the synonymns. References will redirect to the
remaining symbol.