Wrappers (DB2)

Wrappers are mechanisms by which the federated server interacts with data sources. The federated server uses routines stored in a library called a wrapper module to implement a wrapper. Wrappers are supported for DB2 for Common Server v9.7 and higher.

Creating a Wrapper

You can create a wrapper in any of the following ways:

Wrapper Properties

You can modify an object's properties from its property sheet. To open a wrapper property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the Wrappers folder. The following extended attributes are available on the Options tab:




Specifies the name of the file that contains the wrapper library module.

Scripting name: Library


Specifies that the wrapper is fenced or trusted by DB2. A fenced wrapper operates under some restrictions.

Scripting name: DB2_FENCED

Language / Class or library

Specify the language and implementation of the user mapping plug-in. Valid languages are Java (default) and C.

For a plug-in written in Java, you must specify a case-sensitive string for the class name that corresponds to the user mapping repository class. For example, UserMappingRepositoryLDAP.

For a plug-in written in C, you must specify any valid C library name.


Additional options

Can be used to specify any additional options.

Scripting name: OtherOptions