Displaying Referential Integrity and Cardinality on Reference Symbols

To set display preferences for references, select Tools > Display Preferences, and select the Reference sub-category in the left-hand Category pane.

The notation for referential integrity on reference symbols is as follows:
  • upd(constraint_type) - Update
  • del(constraint_type) - Delete
  • cpa - Change Parent Allowed
Constraints can be of the following types:
  • ( ) - None
  • (R) - Restrict
  • (C) - Cascade
  • (N) - Set null
  • (D) - Set default
The Cardinality attribute displays the minimum and maximum number of instances in a child table that can appear for each corresponding instance in the parent table as follows:

In the above example, the reference label displays cascade on update, set null on delete, and a cardinality of 0..n (any number of children is acceptable):

For information about changing the notation of references, see Setting PDM Model Options. For detailed information about working with display preferences, see Core Features Guide > Modeling with PowerDesigner > Diagrams, Matrices, and Symbols > Display Preferences.