Reverse Engineering Cubes

The Microsoft Analysis Services add-in lets you reverse engineer cubes.

Before reverse engineering cubes, you must create one or more PDMs to modelise the tables that will provide the data. PowerDesigner will create links from the retrieved cubes to these tables.

  1. Select Tools > Microsoft Analysis Services > Reverse Engineer Cubes to open the connection dialog box.

  2. Enter a name for the server and database, and then click OK to open the Source Model Selection dialog box, which lists the models linked to the selected data source.

  3. Select the appropriate source models and then click OK to open the Cube Selection dialog box, which lists all the available cubes. The state column indicates if the cube already exists in the current model. Cubes already existing are deselected by default.

  4. Select the cubes you want to reverse engineer, and then click OK.

    The selected cubes are created or updated in the current model. If a dimension or a cube already exists, it is updated.