Live database reverse engineering has been optimized in order to improve performance. All queries run according to an optimization process rule.
This process uses the following registry keys:
RevOdbcMinCount defines a number of selected objects for reverse engineering. The default number is 100
RevOdbcMinPerct defines a percentage of selected objects for reverse engineering. The default percentage is 10
These keys do not exist by default, you have to create and edit them in the Registry under:
Current User \Software\Sybase\PowerDesigner <version>\FolderOptions\Physical Objects
During reverse engineering, PowerDesigner compares the total number of current objects for reverse engineering to the value of
RevOdbcMinCount, and if the total number of listed items is:
- lower than RevOdbcMinCount - then a global reverse query is executed.
- higher than RevOdbcMinCount - then the process uses key RevOdbcMinPerct, and if the percentage of reversed items is :